Dr Leonard Hochstein, a professional and licensed plastic surgeon, worked his best to be able to achieve his goals in life. He focused on his studies and made sure that he can grasp everything he needs to be able to perform his dream job properly.
If you are like him but are not as financially stable, getting a scholarship is what you need to do. Some are not as confident about getting a scholarship because they know it is not easy to secure a slot, plus, keeping it is also very challenging.
Are you planning to get a scholarship? If so, you have to make sure that you understand everything about it.
Apart from the important things you need to know about it, you also need to know the common misconceptions about scholarships so you know which to believe and which information to forget.
Usual Misconceptions About Scholarships
So, what are the usual misconceptions about scholarships? Read the following:
You can get it
Even how much you want to get it, there is no guarantee that you can. There are a lot of students out there who are dreaming to finish their education through the help of a scholarship grant. With the many students battling for a few slots, expect that the competition is tight and uneasy.
But of course, you must not lose hope. What you need to do is prove to the sponsors that you are more deserving than others.
You do not need to spend any money to finish your education
Just to correct others’ perception, studying under a scholarship grant does not guarantee you a 100% free education. There will be some instances when you still need to shell out money.
Not all scholarship grants include allowances, hence, you need to be ready with other expenditures as well.
To be ready, it is highly recommended that you ask the sponsor on up to what extend does their scholarship covers.
Being poor can give you an assurance of a slot
Do not assume that because you are less fortunate, you can instantly get a scholarship grant. Being poor is not a ticket to get a scholarship. Yes, there are some sponsors or institutions that prioritize the less fortunate, but they still have criteria, including academic excellence.
Less fortunate may have the advantage, especially those grants being given to their society, but assuming that they can get a scholarship because they are poor is not right.
You can fake your requirements
Something that they can just fake their requirements in order to pass the scholarship. They will create stories that are far from reality just to get a scholarship grant. If this happens, instead of getting a scholarship, you might end up with nothing.
You cannot fake your requirements at all. Sponsors and institutions find ways to confirm whatever it is you declare on your application. One wrong information, may lead you to getting disqualified applying for their scholarship grant. Remain truthful and harvest the fruit of being one.