Tips To Keep Your Scholarship


They say that keeping your scholarship is harder than getting it, but even though it may seem, you have to do your best to be able to keep it if you want to be successful with the career you choose to pursue.

Dr Leonard Hochstein, a plastic surgeon, knows how important education is to let you enjoy your life. But even how important education is, not everyone is privileged to get it. The good news is, there are scholarship grants offered to students who are worthy and deserving.

Unfortunately, not everyone who secures a scholarship finished their education. Some of them were disqualified in the grant hence they had no choice but to stop in the middle of finishing their course.

Do not be afraid though, as there are still many who finish their education through the help of scholarship grants.

If you are afraid and unsure where to start, here are some tips you can consider to make sure that you can keep your scholarship until you graduate:

Ask everyone’s cooperation

Ask your family and friends for cooperation. Let everyone know that you are finishing your school under a scholarship grant. If your family and friends knew it, they would not create a scene that could possibly put your studies in danger.

If they know that you have an exam, they will let you study and not ask you to do household chores or ask you out.

Friends can sometimes be very pushy but if they know that you are studying under a scholarship grant, they will limit the time they will ask you out. Also, they will not bring you anywhere that can damage your reputation, as they know it can be a basis of your disqualification.

Schedule everything properly

You have to make sure that everything is organized. If you decide to work, it is okay but always put your studies first. You have to make sure that everything is scheduled and you won’t do anything that will ruin what is already planned.

You have to be as organized as possible, and your schedule should be set ahead of time.

Seek advice from seniors

Since you do not have first hand experience yet studying under a scholarship grant, asking those who do is a good idea. Ask your seniors for advice or things you need to do in order to keep your scholarship.

There is no one better to give you the best advice other than those who have had experience in it.

Some are not as confident in asking seniors question, as they feel dumb if they do it. As long as your questions are relevant to the scholarship grant, there is nothing to be ashamed of, and besides, it is your future at stake here so you have to do everything that can help you keep your scholarship.

Focus on your goals

Focus on your goal, as through that, you can be more inspired to work harder and do everything to keep the scholarship grant. 

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